Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Twenty Two

I’m 22, in fact I’ve been 22 for a week already. I can only hope that the remaining 51 weeks of #22 are better than the first one. Last Sunday was the 5th and it was the Sunday of a 5 day long break, which meant everyone from school was out traveling and my climbing buddies were off climbing and probably feeling fresh on day two of a nine day long road trip. I on the other hand was in my room writing gender studies paper #1. This was after finishing my linguistics paper and before starting gender studies paper #2. I sort of celebrated though, I went for a long run (actually my longest yet, 17 miles!), went to the empty climbing gym, and I ate a kebab. I lived in my room for 5 days writing papers, which gave me plenty of time to marvel at the terrible interior design of my residence. It’s really a failed attempt at modern design, like someone told the decorator “I want a futuristic space ship, science lab, and lime-green!” It was cool at first, but over the months the result of the design over function mentality has worn off the charm. After three days of essay writing, and with two more left, I got sick. On Thursday I turned in my essays and got some much needed rest. I feel better, but unfortunately being sick kept me from climbing this weekend. It’s ok, in a little less than one week I’ll be starting a two-week climbing trip. I think 22 is going to be a good year. Naturally, since I was subjecting my eyes to florescent light for several days straight, my mind escaped to reminisce on the many good times of year 21. I think 21 was the best one yet.

Despite the fact that I don’t seem to grow in stature anymore I would like to think that I grow in other, more important, ways. In the last year I added a new major and did well in school, improved my Spanish immensely by traveling to and climbing in Mexico and Spain, became a better and stronger climber by finally figuring out the best method of training for me, spent a lot of time (but still too little) with my favorite girl, spent some great time at home with the family, climbed my biggest wall ever, climbed and skied my biggest mountain ever with Kevin, made new friends and moved to a new country, showed my parents Barcelona and shared my life here with them, accomplished goals and set new ones, failed in certain moments and learned from them, and I dreamed bigger than ever. Each moment was special, and I’m thankful for all the great people who have, and continue to, make my life a fulfilling adventure. Here are some photos and highlights.

Climbed in Potrero Chico, MX

In May I climbed for a couple weeks in Yosemite with my friends Colin, Cheyne, and Dan. The style of climbing in Yosemite is opposite of what I'm good at, so I got scared a lot, but it was just the beginning of what will certainly be a long story.

 Half Dome, next time...

The following video shows what climbers do on rainy rest days. This is known as the Alcove Swing and it is set up at the base of El Capitan. Colin, Cheyne, and I headed up there to check it out. Basically you tie in, run really fast and go for a big swing. The trick is sticking the landing...

In August Kevin and I took a few days and went to the Sierras to do a bit of climbing and hiking. We climbed Cathedral Peak (700 ft, 5.7). It was a big adventure for both of us, and we were ready for a nice, not-exactly-legal bivy at Tenaya Lake. I didn't exactly do too well on packing food because the only non-cookable food I brought were clementines and a bag of jerky, so we split the jerkey and ate three pounds of clementines after the climb.

Cathedral Peak, our route climbed just left of the shadow line

 Kevin chillin' about 650 feet off the ground

Kevin styling the 5th pitch 

Summit!! This was just before Kevin's infamous statement: "Chris, I don't wanna cut your summit glory short or anything, but get me the fuck off this mountain!" Brotherly love! 


Oh yeah, and I started a Blog this year! Thanks for reading!

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